"Pinque" captures the essence of a chilled rosé, blending red wine, rose petals, and strawberry gum into a stunning light pink gin. Inspired by the spirit of Margaret River, this dry, complex, and multi-dimensional gin combines red berry spice with cinnamon, lemon myrtle, and orange peel. The result? A sophisticated, adventure-ready gin that stands worlds away from the overly sweet novelty gins out there masquerading as “wine-driven”.
We’ve created a "serious" pink gin that is all about flavour, not sugar! Boasting a lifted, perfumed nose of red berries, sweet spice, and a hint of orange, it’s balanced by underlying juniper and citrus aromas. You'll find a flavoursome and plump profile on the palate with strawberry fruit, a citrus backbone, and a soft vanilla finish. Infused with native strawberry gum for a lovely berry character and coloured by Margaret River Cabernet Sauvignon. "Pinque" is perfect for a light, floral G&T, or you can elevate your experience with frozen blueberries replacing ice cubes! Not only will it look amazing, but it will taste fantastic too.
"Pinque" captures the essence of a chilled rosé, blending red wine, rose petals, and strawberry gum into a stunning light pink gin. Inspired by the spirit of Margaret River, this dry, complex, and multi-dimensional gin combines red berry spice with cinnamon, lemon myrtle, and orange peel. The result? A sophisticated, adventure-ready gin that stands worlds away from the overly sweet novelty gins out there masquerading as “wine-driven”.
We’ve created a "serious" pink gin that is all about flavour, not sugar! Boasting a lifted, perfumed nose of red berries, sweet spice, and a hint of orange, it’s balanced by underlying juniper and citrus aromas. You'll find a flavoursome and plump profile on the palate with strawberry fruit, a citrus backbone, and a soft vanilla finish. Infused with native strawberry gum for a lovely berry character and coloured by Margaret River Cabernet Sauvignon. "Pinque" is perfect for a light, floral G&T, or you can elevate your experience with frozen blueberries replacing ice cubes! Not only will it look amazing, but it will taste fantastic too.