The West Winds Christmas Gin 700ml
Dreaming of a perfect Christmas G&T? It starts with a premium West Winds gin designed to mix, not deliver the pudding flavours neat. So here’s a classic juniper-based distillation infused with cinnamon, clove, vanilla, cardamom… A complex gin that practically comes gift-wrapped under a tree
Tasting Notes
Generally Christmas time in Australia is hot and dry. Many of the Christmas gins produced are sweetened post distillation with fruits or puddings that leads them to being consumed straight. We have taken a different direction and decided to make a dry gin with all the lovely aromas of Christmas that will mix perfectly into a refreshing G&T, perfect for this time of year.
Serve as a G&T with your favourite Christmas Garnish, Orange Peel, half a fresh cherry or try a slice of caramelised peach for something fancy. Or why not try this cocktail suggestion instead?
The West Winds Christmas Gin 700ml
Dreaming of a perfect Christmas G&T? It starts with a premium West Winds gin designed to mix, not deliver the pudding flavours neat. So here’s a classic juniper-based distillation infused with cinnamon, clove, vanilla, cardamom… A complex gin that practically comes gift-wrapped under a tree
Tasting Notes
Generally Christmas time in Australia is hot and dry. Many of the Christmas gins produced are sweetened post distillation with fruits or puddings that leads them to being consumed straight. We have taken a different direction and decided to make a dry gin with all the lovely aromas of Christmas that will mix perfectly into a refreshing G&T, perfect for this time of year.
Serve as a G&T with your favourite Christmas Garnish, Orange Peel, half a fresh cherry or try a slice of caramelised peach for something fancy. Or why not try this cocktail suggestion instead?
White Christmas
- 60mL West Winds Christmas Gin
- 30mL Baileys Irish Cream 30mL
- Triple Sec
- 90mL pouring cream
Shake all ingredients with ice and strain into a chilled martini glass.
Garnish with a glacé cherry!